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Ukrainian Genetics  

A collecton of vaious studies 

Genetics of Ukrainians and others / Ґенетика українців [ youtube presentation ]

Ukrainian Genetics: Abstracts and Summaries

DNA Analysis Confirms Russians and Ukrainians Are One People

The Slavic Gene. Genetic proof of common origin of all Slavs.

Some studies came to the conclusion that R1a may have arisen 15,000 years ago in the vicinity of Ukraine, possibly expanding from either the Ukrainian LGM refuge following the end of the last ice age, or from the Pontic-Caspian steppe as a result of the hypothetical Kurgan migrations theory. 

Genes and ethnology

[ article in Ukrainian ]   This one chapter is worth noting [ the writer stakes a claim that the soviet studies are biased ]

Something similar can be said about non-existent cultures, in our opinion, the separate Ukrainian genome. The blood of the indigenous population of any territory genes are all people that once lived on in that territory [land]. Therefore, Ukrainian gene inherited genes from the predecessors who lived there, Indo-Irant (Yamna and catacomb culture, Scythians, Sarmatians) and from ancient farmers from Balkan-Danube of the neolithic period in the VII-IV millennium BC there were four large waves (Hrebenyky culture, Krish, Linear strichkova, Cucuteni - Tripyllian)  across the Danube into Ukraine. But to call the Indo-Iranian haplogroup Arian haplogroup or the Balkan - Trypillian is like calling all the people of the USSR from the Chukchi to  Lithuanian and Georgian - "Russian".   The latter was a deliberate simplification of the ethno-historical picture for a specific political purpose. However, any political design and statement on unproven grounds is a deliberate distortion of historical realities which cannot be neither true or dependable.

Origins, spread and ethnic association of European haplogroups and subclades  (from EUPEDIA.COM)  

- some heavy reading - of note is one paragraph reprinted below which supports one of my ideas of westward migration of indo-origin peoples to the Carpathian region (further analysis has shown that my "belief" is substantiated!)

Haplogroup W (mtDNA)

Present at low frequencies in most of Europe, in Anatolia, around the Caspian Sea, and from the Indo-Pakistani border to Xinjiang, haplogroup W is one of the best maternal markers of Indo-European ancestry (mtDNA equivalent of R1a and R1b). Its highest frequency is in Ukraine, European Russia, Baltic countries and Finland (3 to 5% overall), as well as in northern Pakistan (15%), Punjab (9%) and Gujarat (12%). In India, it is considerably more common among the upper castes and among Indo-European speakers.    

The Genetic Map of Europe  

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