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"An Afternoon of Musical Discovery"


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The idea for "An Afternoon of Musical Discovery" concert was born out of a previous  concert - the Druzhba (Friendship) Concert which was performed at the Kalamunda Uniting Church on Nov 7, 2014.   Christina Trus had asked me to translate five Ukrainian poems so the predominantly Australian audience would understand the context of the songs.  After completing the translations it was decided I would narrate them and hence we had a lovely format  - international soprano Ileana Otto-Johansen accompanied by Christina Trus on piano and narration by Mykola Mowczan.   After the Druzhba Concert was complete we  wanted to repeat the concert  but with more Ukrainian participation  and consequently An Afternoon of Musical Discovery  was born.


The concert An Afternoon of Musical Discovery was performed at the Calloway Room at thr University of Western Australia on February 8, 2014. 


The concert was in 2 halves. The first half featured Bagatelle for two Violins, Celloand Pianoforte, Op. 47 (1878) by Antonin Dvorak wit h world renoiwned violinist Dr Semyon Kobets (1st violin), Tatiana Kobets (2nd violin), Stephanie Arnold (cello) and Christina Trus (pianoforte)


The second part of the concert focuses on Mykola Lysenko and his creative genius.  Five art songs from various song cycles were performed by international soprano, Ileana Otto-Johansen accompanied by Christina Trus (pianoforte).   The narrator (and translator of the art songs) was Mykola Mowczan. 



Mykola Lysenko is considered the founder of Ukrainian national music.  Mykola Lysenko was born in 1842 and died in 1912.

He was a romantic composer, ethno-musicologist, conductor, eminent pianist, teacher, and community figure.  He studied in Germany at the Leipzig Conservatory and later studied orchestration under Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov; His compositions are prolific and varied, from sonatas and rhapsodies to waltzes and polonaises.

He loved using the melodies and rhythms of Ukrainian folk song and in some, Chopin's influence is noticeable.  He also wrote numerous operatic works including music for William Shakespeare's Hamlet. 

During his lifetime Lysenko arranged approximately 500 folk songs and also wrote over 120 art songs to the poems of many of the Ukrainian poets. including the notable Taras Shevchenko, Oleksandr Konyskyy, Oleksander Oles and Yevhen Hrebinka – which we will be listening to today!

The mood of these songs reflects the romanticism of Lysenko’s time.

Their plots, twists and turns, the rhythm, the sadness and yet the serenity reflect an era where the Ukrainian nation whilst at peace also felt at a loss to Russia.Many poets during this period whilst writing of love, of life and of serfdom also started writing about nationality and independence. Many like Taras Shevchenko would be incarcerated because of their belief and poetry.

Following are  translations of 5 poems whom Lysenko wrote the music for.   When translating them I have used an interpretative rather than grammatical approach so that the emotion, the sense and the rhythm are not lost.       ~ Mykola Mowczan

The Princess   (Taras Shevchenko)

Oh my shiny evening star,

Rising above the ridge,

Let us whisper softly

whilst we are in bondage.


Tell me how behind the hill

The sun is setting,

and the rainbow from the Dnipr

water is gathering


How wide the black poplar

has spread her boughs

Whilst over near the water

the willow bows;


Over the water, her

greenery spreading,

and on her branches

Nymphs are dancing.


On the grave in the field

а werewolf is sleeping,

The owls in the wood
(and on the rooftops)

Trouble are foreseeing


As the dream-herb in the dene

blooms in the evening

About the people; let them be!

I know that they are sterling.


I know them well. My shining light

My only companion!

And who knows, what's happening

with us in Ukrayina?


But I know! And will tell you;

forgoing even my sleep.

So tomorrow, you can

quietly to God repeat!



On a clear night   (Oleksandr Konyskyy)

On a clear night he will no

Longer come to the orchard

he will not embrace me

nor place his forehead

To my passionate lips!


His loving gaze

no longer imbues

and no one can

heal nor pacify my

hearts deepest wounds!


He alone understood

in the world he was the one

my affliction and grief

and that infernal longing

that will never abandon me


All my sorrow and heartaches

he shared,

and with his love

how many times, oh, holy

new life poured into me


And now? No, don't wait!

He will not come here

Be still my heart,

don’t awake old wounds


A Coral Necklace (Taras Shevchenko)

If I, mother, had a necklace,

I would have gone to town tomorrow,

And in town, mother, on the town

And mother, the folk trio’s playing

And girls with the young guys,

Flirting. Mother! Mother! Mother!

Flirting Mother! Mother!

I am so unlucky!


I will pray to God above,

I will work to earn enough,

I'll buy some dancing shoes,

And then I'll hire the folk trio

Let the folks be not surprised,

As I, Mother, have a dance

I will have fun, I will have fun!


Do not let me be a maid,

my hair to weave and braid,

my eye brows to abrade

be a spinster, unwanted, alone.

And before I can earn enough

my raven eyebrows will turn grey.

I am so unlucky! I am so unlucky



Asters    (Oleksander Oles)

At midnight in the garden the asters flowered,

they washed in dew, their wreaths embellished

and they stood waiting for the pink of the morn,

the colours of the rainbow, life to adorn.


The asters raved in luxurious dreaminess,

of silky grass and of warm sunny days

and in their dreams the story was alive, so clear,

where spring was eternal and flowers don't wither,


The asters ranted in the orchard in the fall.

the asters ranted waiting for spring to befall,

but the morning greeted them with cold rain,

and behind the hedge the wind howled again


And the asters perceived they were imprisoned;

so the asters determined to live was pointless,

so they bent over and died. And as though in jest

the sun rose and shone on their withered corpses



Ukrainian Melody   (Yevhen Hrebinka)


No, Mother, I can't love one who does not love me

It's tragedy to live with him, as he does not love me.

It's hard; it's so hard to make conversation,

It's better I just spend my life as a maid.


But can you not see I am getting old?

I'll soon find eternal rest in my tomb.

When my eyes close, who will be with you?

You'll be left, my daughter an orphan forlorn.


Oh mother dear, don't weep, please don't cry,

Prepare the embroidered towels and kerchiefs.

I will go with him, my happiness I will yield

you will be happy, alone I will shed tears!


Over yonder on a grave stands God’s cross

Beneath it, from morn to night a mother sobs

“Dear God, my Saviour, what have I done,

the daughter I wanted; for ever I have lost!”


Княжна (Тарас Шевченко)

Зоре моя вечірняя,

Зійди над горою,

Поговорим тихесенько 

В неволі з тобою.


Розкажи, як за горою

Сонечко сідає, 

Як у Дніпра веселочка 

Воду позичає. 


Як широка сокорина 

Віти розпустила... 

А над самою водою

Верба похилилась; 


Аж по воді розіслала 

зеленії віти, 

А на вітах гойдаються 

Нехрещені діти.


Як у полі на могилі

вовкулак ночує,

А сич в лісі та на стрісі

Недолю віщує.


Як сон-трава при долині

Вночі розцвітає...

А про людей... Та нехай їм.

Я їх, добрих, знаю.


Добре знаю. Зоре моя!

Мій друже єдиний!

І хто знає, що діється

в нас на Україні?


А я знаю. І розкажу

тобі; й спать не ляжу.

А ти завтра тихесенько

Богові розкажеш.




В ясну ніч  (Олександр Кониський)

В ясну ніч у садок

вже не вийде вона,

не пригорне мене,

не підставить чола.

Під гарячії губи мої!


не прониже мене

її погляд палкий

і на серці на дні

не загоїть ніхто

Превеликії рани мої!


Зрозуміла вона,

на всім світі одна

Мій недуг і печаль

і пекельний той жаль.

Що повік не покине мене.


І мій сум і нyдьгу

розділяла вона,

І коханням своїм

скільки раз, о, свята,

Життя нове вливала в мене!


А тепер? Ні, не жди!

Ти не прийдеш сюди..

Серце змовкни моє,

старих ран не буди!!


Якби Мені, Мамо, Намисто (Тарас Шевченко)

Якби мені, мамо, намисто,

То пішла б [я] завтра на місто,

А на місті, мамо, на місті

Грає, мамо, музика троїста.

А дівчата з парубками

Лицяються. Мамо! Мамо! Мамо!

Лицяються Мамо! Мамо!

Безталанна я!


Ой піду я Богу помолюся,

Та піду я у найми наймуся,

Та куплю я, мамо, черевики,

Та найму я троїсті музики.

Нехай люде не здивують,

Як я, мамо, потанцюю.

Гей доленько моя! доленько моя!


Не дай мені вік дівувати,

Коси мої плести-заплітати,

Бровенята дома зносити,

В самотині віку дожити.

А поки я заробляю,

Чорні брови полиняють.

Безталанна я! Безталанна я!



Айстри (Олександр Олесь)

Опiвночі айстри в саду розцвіли

Умились росою, вінки одягли

І стали рожевого ранку чекать,

І в райдугу барвів життя убирать.


І марили айстри в розкішнім півсні

Про трави шовкові, про сонячні дні,

І в мріях ввижалась їм казка ясна,

Де квіти не в'януть, де вічна весна


Так марили айстри в саду восени,

так марили айстри і ждали весни,

А ранок стрівав їх холодним дощем,

І плакав десь вітер в саду за кущем.


І вгледіли айстри, що вколо - тюрма...

І вгледіли айстри, що жити дарма, -

Схилились і вмерли... І тут, як на сміх,

Засяяло сонце над трупами їх!..



Українська мелодія (Євген Гребінка)


Ні, мамо, не можна нелюба любить:

Нещасная доля із нелюбом жить.

Ох тяжко, ох важко з ним річ розмовляти!

Хай лучче я буду весь вік дівувати.


«Хіба ж ти не бачиш, яка я стара,

Мені в домовину лягати пора...

Як очі закрию, що буде з тобою?

Зостанешся, доню, одна сиротою.


"О мамо, голубко, не плач, не ридай,

Готуй рушники і хустки вишивай.

Нехай за нелюбом я щастя утрачу;

Ти будеш весела, одна я заплачу!"


Гей там, на долині, хрест божий стоїть.

Під ним рано й вечір матуся квилить:

«Ой боже мій милий, що я наробила,

дочку, як схотіла, із світа згубила!»


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